Types of Resource

Simon Says

An accessible and participatory game to play with children to help them develop coordination and movement skills while having fun and being physically active. Easily modified and adapted for children with disabilities from Let's Play.



Witches, Goblins and Monsters

An accessible and participatory game to play with children to help them develop coordination and movement skills while having fun and being physically active. Easily modified and adapted for children with disabilities from Let's Play. 



Modifications and Adaptations

Let's Play offers these easy adaptations (for equipment, skills, rules and facilities) to common games and activities familiar to children. You will see how quickly activities you currently use can be made inclusive for everyone. 



About Disabilities

Not all disabilities are alike. The best way to learn about a disability is to learn about the child first. This information provides a facilitator with basic information about disabilities with strategies to consider when developing customized programming from Let's Play. 



Wheelchair Safety

This resource includes four questions to always consider while planning for the inclusion of a child with a physical disability ensuring their physical, psychological and social safety from Let's Play. 



Video Library - Wheeling Physical Literacy

Let's Play has a collection of 36 short videos demonstrating different physical literacy and other skills for wheelchair users. 



Accessibility Audit Tool

This easy-to-follow checklist from viaSport will help an organization determine their level(s) of accessibility. It also provides concrete examples of how to make all aspects of programming and facilities more inclusive and accessible for everyone. It is organized around six pillars of accessibility.


RDN Northern Recreation Services - Communities Facilities and Program Accessibility and Inclusion

Although this entire document from the Regional District of Nanaimo is a useful guide, full of specific examples to get us thinking about spaces as places, start on Page Six with a comprehensive set of questions to assess how inclusive and welcoming your spa

OneAbility List of Inclusive Resources

 A list of resources and links to adaptive programs and facilities in the Greater Victoria area in British Columbia, Canada. Most of the links contain instructional videos demonstrating how an activity can be adapted from OneAbility. 



Road Map to Inclusion

This infographic is part of a series of posters that create inclusion, raise awareness, promote and educate the public on active living and disabilities. OneAbility and Recreation Integration Victoria have created the 'Disability & Diversity: Education to Promote Active Living' project infographics.  These po

Why Does Inclusion Matter? Who Benefits and How?

This infographic is part of a series of posters that create inclusion, raise awareness, promote and educate the public on active living and disabilities.

What To Do When You Meet A Person With A Disability

This infographic is part of a series of posters that create inclusion, raise awareness, promote and educate the public on active living and disabilities.

First Involvement In Sport & Recreation

This infographic is part of a series of posters that create inclusion, raise awareness, promote and educate the public on active living and disabilities.

About EverybodyMoves Hub

EverybodyMoves Hub is a database of resources to make physical activities and facilities more inclusive for those who face the greatest barriers to participation. Collaborative organizations endorse the site, but have not reviewed nor can endorse all individual resources. Please note that the resources on this site have been collected with all due care and have met inclusion criteria.